क्या होता है इंटरनेट ? What is Internet ?
आज इन्टरनेट का नाम सभी जानते है, ये नाम हमारे लिए नया नहीं रह गया है!आज ये हमारे जीवन का एक हिस्सा बन चुका है!
इन्टरनेट से हमारा जीवन कितना सरल हो गया है!
इन्टरनेट से हमारा जीवन कितना सरल हो गया है!
लेकिन सवाल ये उठता है कि इन्टरनेट कहते किसे है?
सूचनाओ और दस्तावेजों के आदान-प्रदान के लिए टी सी पी /आई
पी प्रोटोकॉल का उपयोग कर के बनाया गया नेटवर्क जो वर्ल्ड वाइड नेटवर्क के सिद्धांत पर कार्य करता है उसे इन्टरनेट कहते है!
पी प्रोटोकॉल का उपयोग कर के बनाया गया नेटवर्क जो वर्ल्ड वाइड नेटवर्क के सिद्धांत पर कार्य करता है उसे इन्टरनेट कहते है!
टी सी पी का अर्थ है ट्रांस्मिस्अन कण्ट्रोल प्रोटोकॉल
इन्टरनेट कनेक्शन के प्रकार............
१. अनालोग/ डायल उप
२. आई एस डी एन
३. बी आई एस डी एन
४. डी एस एल
५. केबल
७. टी १ लाइन
जिस तरह हर सिक्के के दो पहलु होते है उसी तरह इन्टरनेट के भी है!
इसके कई फायदे और नुकसान भी है! अब ये निर्भर करता है इसका उपयोग करने वाले पर की वो अपने अंदर के इंसान को जगाता है या फिर शैतानको.................सबसे पहले हम इन्टरनेट से होने वाले फायदे के बारे में बात करते है!
इन्टरनेट से फायदे:
- कमुनिकेशन - इन्टरनेट के द्वारा हम काफी दूर बैठे व्यक्ति से बिना किसी अतिरिक शुल्क के घंटो तक बात कर सकते है! सूचनाओ के आदान प्रदान के लिए इ-मेल कर सकते है!
- जानकारी - किसी भी तरह की जानकारी हम सर्च इंजन के द्वारा कुछ पल में प्राप्त कर सकते है!
- मनोरंजन - ये हमारी बोरियत खतम करने का सबसे अच्छा माध्यम बनकर उभरा है! संगीत प्रेमियों के लिए किसी वरदान से कम नहीं है, संगीत, गेम्स,फिल्म इत्यादि बिना किसी अतिरिक्त शुल्क के डाऊनलोड कर सकते है!
- सर्विसिंग – इन्टरनेट पर कई तरह की सुविधाए है जैसे कि आनलाइन बैंकिंग, नौकरी खोज,
रेलवे टिकट बुकिंग, होटल रिजर्वेशन इत्यादि सुविधायें घर बैठे मिल जाती है!
- इ-कामर्स- ये सुविधा बिसिनेस डील और सूचनाओं के आदान-प्रदान से सम्बंधित है!
- शोसल नेटवर्किंग साईट- आजकलइसका चलन बहुत ही तेजी से बढ़ रहा है! सेलिब्रिटीस तक इसका अपनी बातों को सभी तक पहुचने के लिए जमकर उपयोग कर रहे है! इसके कई फायदे है! अलग अलग विचारों वाले दोस्त बनते है,जिनसे काफी कुछ सीखने को मिलता है! ये साईट काफी मात्रा में पठनीय सामग्री तक रखे हैं! आज ये अपनी बात दूसरों के सामने रखने का सबसे अच्छा साधन बन रहा है!
इन्टरनेट से नुक्सान:
- व्यक्तिगत जानकारी की चोरी- व्यक्तिगत इन्फर्मेशन की चोरी के कई मामले सामने आये है जैसे की क्रेडिट कार्ड नम्बर,बैंक कार्ड नम्बर इत्यादि की चोरी! इसका उपयोग देश की सुरक्ष्हा व्यवस्था को भेदने के लिए भी किया जाता है
- स्पामिंग- ये अवांछनीय ई-मेल होती है जिनका मकसद गोपनीय दस्तावेजों की चोरी करना होता है!
- वायरस- इनका उपयोग कंप्यूटर की कार्य प्रणाली को नुक्सान पहुचाने के लिए किया जाता है!
- पोरोनोग्रफी-ये इन्टरनेट मे जहर की तरह है! जिसमे कई लोग समाते चले जाते है! इस तरह की साईट पर ढेरो अश्लील सामग्री रहती है,जिनको देखकर लोग बर्बादी की तरफ अग्रसर हो रहे है और इस तरह का व्यपार चलाने वाले अच्छी आमदनी कर रहे है! ये हमारे समाज में जहर की तरह घुल रहा है! बच्चे इसको देखकर बर्बाद हो रहेहै जिससे वो कई तरह के अपराध कर डालते है छोटी सी उम्र में ही जिसका परिणाम बेहद ही खतरनाक होता है! इसे रोकने के लिए सख्त नियम बनने चाहिए!
- पाइरेसी-इससे काफी नुकसान हो रहा है आई.टी. जगत और फिल्म नगरी को! कोई भी सॉफ्टवेर या मूवी हो इस पर बिना कोई कीमत दिए मुफ्त में मिल जाता है, तो फिर कोई पैसे क्यों लगाये, ये तभी रुक सकता है जब सरकारें ऐसी वेबसाइटस पर ही पाबन्दी लगा दे अन्यथा ये कभी रुकने वाली नहीं है!
" जिस प्रकार सागर मंथन से विष और अमृत दोनों निकले थे, ठीक उसी प्रकार इन्टरनेट पर भी ये दोनों ही है, अब ये उपयोगकर्ता पर निर्भर करता है की वो क्या लेता है विष या अमृत! इन्टरनेट से अगर आप बन सकते है तो बिगड भी सकते है! जिस तरह एक सिक्के के दोपहलु होते है उसी तरह इन्टरनेट के भी है इसलिए अच्छा वाला ग्रहण किया जाये और बुरा वाला त्याग किया जाये, ये हमारे और हमारे देश दोनों के लिए अच्छा है! ’’
लेख: महिंद्र गौर,दर्शन लाल बवेजा
चित्र गूगल इमेज से साभार
लेख: महिंद्र गौर,दर्शन लाल बवेजा
चित्र गूगल इमेज से साभार
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ReplyDeleteLife Lessons From Lockdown - The corona virus outbreak that was first detected in China has now affected more than 185 countries. In India, whether it was religious places, malls, cinema halls, eating outlets, flight/train services, E-commerce services, or schools/colleges, everything was shut on 22nd March 2020 to control the outbreak of this deadly virus.
ReplyDeleteLife Lessons From Lockdown - The corona virus outbreak that was first detected in China has now affected more than 185 countries. In India, whether it was religious places, malls, cinema halls, eating outlets, flight/train services, E-commerce services, or schools/colleges, everything was shut on 22nd March 2020 to control the outbreak of this deadly virus.
ReplyDeleteLife Lessons From Lockdown - The corona virus outbreak that was first detected in China has now affected more than 185 countries. In India, whether it was religious places, malls, cinema halls, eating outlets, flight/train services, E-commerce services, or schools/colleges, everything was shut on 22nd March 2020 to control the outbreak of this deadly virus.
ReplyDeleteStrange Traditions and Customs - Traditions can be really important. It’s the way of bridging the past with the present. But do you know in this technology paced world, where scientists are making great discoveries, we are proud that evil practices and old traditions have come to an end, there are some countries, cities, and states that are still following some bizarre traditions which will shock you.
ReplyDeleteStrange Traditions and Customs - Traditions can be really important. It’s the way of bridging the past with the present. But do you know in this technology paced world, where scientists are making great discoveries, we are proud that evil practices and old traditions have come to an end, there are some countries, cities, and states that are still following some bizarre traditions which will shock you.
ReplyDeleteStrange Traditions and Customs - Traditions can be really important. It’s the way of bridging the past with the present. But do you know in this technology paced world, where scientists are making great discoveries, we are proud that evil practices and old traditions have come to an end, there are some countries, cities, and states that are still following some bizarre traditions which will shock you.
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ReplyDeleteIs it okay to take a break from your life? - Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes including you. Breaks and detours are equally important as the work needed to achieve your goals. Sometimes you need a mental and emotional break from life and it is completely okay.
ReplyDeleteBest Movies To Watch With Friends: Bollywood - Movies are the best way to relive the everlasting bonds with your best buddies. Starting from the golden era movies to the present blockbusters, every movie is someway special for someone.
ReplyDeleteBest Movies To Watch With Friends: Bollywood - Movies are the best way to relive the everlasting bonds with your best buddies. Starting from the golden era movies to the present blockbusters, every movie is someway special for someone.
ReplyDeleteBest Movies To Watch With Friends: Bollywood - Movies are the best way to relive the everlasting bonds with your best buddies. Starting from the golden era movies to the present blockbusters, every movie is someway special for someone.
ReplyDelete8 Kings of Hell - In Christianity, everybody knows about Lucifer who is the ruler of hell but there are some demons who work under Lucifer hence in this blog you are going to know about the 8 kings of hell who rule in hell.
ReplyDelete8 Kings of Hell - In Christianity, everybody knows about Lucifer who is the ruler of hell but there are some demons who work under Lucifer hence in this blog you are going to know about the 8 kings of hell who rule in hell.
ReplyDelete8 Kings of Hell - In Christianity, everybody knows about Lucifer who is the ruler of hell but there are some demons who work under Lucifer hence in this blog you are going to know about the 8 kings of hell who rule in hell.
ReplyDelete7 Spiritual Laws Of Love - When it comes to relationships, there are seven unique laws that govern the way we experience love. These laws of love and relationships are meant to help you reframe the past struggles and challenges, and begin to understand why things work out the way they do.
ReplyDelete7 Spiritual Laws Of Love - When it comes to relationships, there are seven unique laws that govern the way we experience love. These laws of love and relationships are meant to help you reframe the past struggles and challenges, and begin to understand why things work out the way they do.
ReplyDeleteIKIGAI : Secret of a long and happy life The book “IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret To a Long and Happy Life” by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, is more of a case study on the lives of the long-living residents from Ogimi, a small village in Okinawa, than an explanation or guide to understanding Ikigai.
ReplyDeleteIKIGAI : Secret of a long and happy life The book “IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret To a Long and Happy Life” by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, is more of a case study on the lives of the long-living residents from Ogimi, a small village in Okinawa, than an explanation or guide to understanding Ikigai
ReplyDeleteThe Myth of "Happily Ever After" -The concept of “happily ever after” served as an escapist fantasy for those who were struggling to survive and dreamed of a higher quality of life.
ReplyDeleteMi Band 5 - Remote-Control Camera and built-in
ReplyDeleteMicrophone -Mi Band 5 - Remote-Control Camera and built-in microphone by which you will be
able to operate by giving voice commands.
Men's Ego - Does it Matter?
ReplyDeleteIn a marriage, a man may feel self-doubt, insecure, and even questions his woman’s feelings about him at some point. Although your man is reluctant to acknowledge those feelings,
most likely he has ever experienced them
Men's Ego - Does it Matter?
ReplyDeleteIn a marriage, a man may feel self-doubt, insecure, and even questions his woman’s feelings about him at some point. Although your man is reluctant to acknowledge those feelings,
most likely he has ever experienced them
Men's Ego - Does it Matter?
ReplyDeleteIn a marriage, a man may feel self-doubt, insecure, and even questions his woman’s feelings about him at some point. Although your man is reluctant to acknowledge those feelings,
most likely he has ever experienced them
Fulfilling The Pursuit of Happiness is a myth or reality? Happiness is a profoundly abstract thing. Everybody has various necessities throughout everyday
ReplyDeletelife and everybody encounters joy in an unexpected way.
Fulfilling The Pursuit of Happiness is a myth or reality? Happiness is a profoundly abstract thing. Everybody has various necessities throughout everyday
ReplyDeletelife and everybody encounters joy in an unexpected way.
Fulfilling The Pursuit of Happiness is a myth or reality? Happiness is a profoundly abstract thing. Everybody has various necessities throughout everyday
ReplyDeletelife and everybody encounters joy in an unexpected way.
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We provide complete, quick and easy assistance for Asp.Net Assignment help, All asp.net homework in reasonable Price and code
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Motorola Razr - sleek design and an incredible stand on
ReplyDeleteMotorola Razr - Motorola ensures that user will not have to take special care when using this incredibly designed folding smartphone.
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ReplyDeleteActivities to do - When you are feeling lonely on holidays.loneliness isn’t classified as a identifiable mental state condition, it will either be harmful to or exacerbated by the state of your emotional and physical health. That’s why it’s vital to manage those feelings wherever attainable.
ReplyDeleteActivities to do - When you are feeling lonely on holidays.loneliness isn’t classified as a identifiable mental state condition, it will either be harmful to or exacerbated by the state of your emotional and physical health. That’s why it’s vital to manage those feelings wherever attainable.
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ReplyDeleteStudents looking for any type of homework, assignment or projects in Data Structure Assignment Solution here at the affordable price. Almost every solution regarding your data structure assignment and projects we have!!
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ReplyDeleteHealthy skin is so adorable. This is basically the tip of the lance. I accept they're overemphasizing nothing. Because I am a top expert on healthy skin, I have an affection appropriate for skin health management. We should locate a few striking models. It is the way to stop being irritated and carry on with your life. I have been into healthy skin for as long as 7 years or something like that. This is the means by which you should situate yourself. This is on the grounds that occasionally you simply must be fortunate to get this one major break.
Questions to ask before buying a Pet Pets bring joy, help with learning responsibility and compassion for others, companionship, stress-relief, and can be a great addition to your family!
ReplyDeleteQuestions to ask before buying a Pet Pets bring joy, help with learning responsibility and compassion for others, companionship, stress-relief, and can be a great addition to your family!
ReplyDeleteQuestions to ask before buying a Pet Pets bring joy, help with learning responsibility and compassion for others, companionship, stress-relief, and can be a great addition to your family!
ReplyDeletePets bring joy, help with learning responsibility and compassion for others, companionship, stress-relief, and can be a great addition to your family!
9 Interesting False Myths Related To Covid19 Vaccine
ReplyDeleteCovid19 Vaccine is out but as you know with the new things come the rumours. Lets talk about some myths related to Covid19 Vaccine.
9 Interesting False Myths Related To Covid19 Vaccine
ReplyDeleteCovid19 Vaccine is out but as you know with the new things come the rumours. Lets talk about some myths related to Covid19 Vaccine.
9 Interesting False Myths Related To Covid19 Vaccine
ReplyDeleteCovid19 Vaccine is out but as you know with the new things come the rumours. Lets talk about some myths related to Covid19 Vaccine.
Data Structure Assignment Writing - wethecoders.com provides you the best services for Data Structure Assignment Writing and homework help to ensure your success.
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ReplyDeleteWaheeda Rehman - the most loved face of Hindi Film Industry of 70s -Waheeda Rehman was one of the most beautiful addresses of her time and was the most loved face of Hindi Film Industry from the 70s.
ReplyDeleteWaheeda Rehman - the most loved face of Hindi Film Industry of 70s -Waheeda Rehman was one of the most beautiful addresses of her time and was the most loved face of Hindi Film Industry from the 70s.
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ReplyDelete7 Days of Love - Valentine Week - February Month Valentine Week - The month of February brings excitement into lovers’ hearts and much anticipation all around. It’s Valentine’s Month!
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ReplyDeletePython Homework Help - We help you to complete your Python coding. We provide best Python homework help in reasonable price, within your deadline.
ReplyDeleteTravel Shows In Netflix To Watch At Home Travel Shows: You can't go on a vacation, but you can watch these travel shows on Netflix while resting on your couch for enjoyment and fun.
Travel Shows In Netflix To Watch At Home Travel Shows: You can't go on a vacation, but you can watch these travel shows on Netflix while resting on your couch for enjoyment and fun.
ReplyDeleteTravel Shows In Netflix To Watch At Home Travel Shows: You can't go on a vacation, but you can watch these travel shows on Netflix while resting on your couch for enjoyment and fun.
ReplyDeleteBRC is a management consulting firm that provides emergency management and disaster recovery services to both public and private sector clients.BRC is a management consulting firm that provides emergency management and disaster recovery services to both public and private sector clients.
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ReplyDeleteSummer Clothing Hacks For Men and Women If you too are looking for some extraordinary summer clothing hacks especially for men and women, then this article is surely for you.
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ReplyDeleteData Structure Assignment Help - wethecoders.com provides you the best services for Data Structure Assignment Solution and homework help to ensure your success.
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ReplyDeleteHome is the place where you feel at peace and in total balance. The space where you like to retreat and enjoy spending time with your family.
ReplyDeleteHome is the place where you feel at peace and in total balance. The space where you like to retreat and enjoy spending time with your family.
ReplyDeleteHome is the place where you feel at peace and in total balance. The space where you like to retreat and enjoy spending time with your family.
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ReplyDeleteStructure Assignment Help- wethecoders.com provides you the best services for Data Structure Assignment Help and homework help to ensure your success.
ReplyDeleteStructure Assignment Help- wethecoders.com provides you the best services for Data Structure Assignment Help and homework help to ensure your success.
ReplyDeleteStructure Assignment Help- wethecoders.com provides you the best services for Data Structure Assignment Help and homework help to ensure your success.
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Top Property Dealers in Jalandhar - Property Dealer in Jalandhar - Kohinoor Property Studio is one of the Best and Top Property Dealer in Jalandhar which provides you the commercial property deals at best prices.
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ReplyDeleteAruba Vacation Rent - Aruba best island vacation and getaway destination - Located on the southern coast of the island, this colorful town originally settled by the Dutch offers visitors a plethora of activities to enjoy against a stunning backdrop. Aruba Vacation Deals,Eagle Beach Resort Aruba,Cheap Aruba Vacations,Aruba Vacation Resorts,Best Hotels in Aruba for Couples
ReplyDeleteSleeping Positions For Couples Sleeping positions are very important specially when you are sleeping next to someone you love and has enormous health benefits.
ReplyDeleteSleeping Positions For Couples Sleeping positions are very important specially when you are sleeping next to someone you love and has enormous health benefits.
ReplyDeleteSleeping Positions For Couples Sleeping positions are very important specially when you are sleeping next to someone you love and has enormous health benefits.
ReplyDeleteBlog Commenting 1
ReplyDeleteSleeping Positions For Couples - Sleeping positions are very important specially when you are sleeping next to someone you love and has enormous health benefits.
ReplyDeleteSleeping Positions For Couples - Sleeping positions are very important specially when you are sleeping next to someone you love and has enormous health benefits.
ReplyDeleteSleeping Positions For Couples - Sleeping positions are very important specially when you are sleeping next to someone you love and has enormous health benefits.
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ReplyDeleteHoli Celebration In Different States of IndiaHoli, one of the most vibrant festivals of India is just around the corner. A kaleidoscopic cloud hangs over India, and it’s about to burst.
Holi Celebration In Different States of IndiaHoli, one of the most vibrant festivals of India is just around the corner. A kaleidoscopic cloud hangs over India, and it’s about to burst.
ReplyDeleteHoli Celebration In Different States of IndiaHoli, one of the most vibrant festivals of India is just around the corner. A kaleidoscopic cloud hangs over India, and it’s about to burst.
ReplyDeleteHoli Celebration In Different States of IndiaHoli, one of the most vibrant festivals of India is just around the corner. A kaleidoscopic cloud hangs over India, and it’s about to burst.
ReplyDeleteHoli one of the most vibrant festivals of India is just around the corner. A kaleidoscopic cloud hangs over India, and it’s about to burst.
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ReplyDeleteEncouragement Engagement Empowerment - Encourage Me I’m Young (EMIY) Inc., a non-profit 501c3 based in Detroit is a grassroots volunteer driven organization dedicated to legacy.